Saturday, April 25, 2009


Greetings to everyone from Lima, Peru! A must read report! Metro Sports once again with the children it seems as they like it a lot because they always ask for it, after the sports two of our interns gave their testimonies to the children after rough day with much conflicts between the children even to where two of our interns were hit by rocks from these children, and a little was also insulting another graduate saying that we are mules and calling other names. A rough day that ended up in victory! After the testimonies the children forgave themselves and afterwards the assitant of Metro Kidz made all the children to hug each other and show love to one another beautiful site! They prayed and repented and it was beautiful! Also last week we had a new intern come to Mission Center, you can see her picture at the bottom, her name is Nancy Analy llavce Montalván, from Chiclayo Peru 6 hours from Lima, she is 17 years old, here in Peru it is a custom that at 17 they finish their school different from the US that at 18. Our goal is to reach 20 with more interns we can reach out to more children with another small sound system we can do 4 sites so we are looking for people that can help us fanancially to make this come to pass, speaking of sound our speaker are now in active and Mission Ceter Peru will soon be more active thanks to the Lord, we believe our reces time is over J. We also ask for your prayers in all our needs and condition as ministry, being a ministry that tries to do the good and positive we also find ourselves always fighting with the bad and negative but with your prayers and the help of God we can accomplish great things. Have a nice day and God bless you all!
Benjamin GomezDirector of Metro Kidz PeruCell: 511-993906944House: 511-236-2229BE SURE TO VISIT MY SITE AND SEE EVERYTHING THAT'S NEW!
Please consider an offering for Mission Center Peru'.
Send offerings to Reedsport Foursquare Church, attn.: Mission Center Peru'
Reedsport Foursquare Church
2900 Frontage RD.
Reedsport, Or. 97467

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Visiting Needy Families

Metro Kidz* went and visited the families of the children in Nueva Esperanza last Wednesday to get to know the parents, minister to them and to check out on their children working on building a relationship with the families and parents.
There were tears and lots of ministering for the interns and some parents as they opened up their hearts to us from which two mothers made the decision to open up their hearts and dedicate their lives to God and our true wonderful saviour Jesus Christ.
An awesome time of ministering on both sides, us and them, we ran accross an old man who was blind that spoke to our interns and touch their hearts much more that they are doing the new testament sarvey that I took when I was in B.A.D.D.organization, the blind man said, “The word of God is so beautiful, I can’t read I would love too because the word of God is beautiful” makes us all think and be thankful.
Thank all of you who are part of this ministry and vision with your prayers and support! May the Lord richly bless all of you with His love, mercy, favor and grace!
Benjamin Gomez.
*Metro kidz is part of the ministry of Mission Center Peru.
Reaching people for Christ is first of all a ministry of building relationships with individuals and their families, later leading to the ultimate in relationships, knowing Jesus Christ. My friends Pastor Jorge and Missionary Benjamin have given their lives to training a new generation of Christian leaders, spreading the gospel in Peru' and around the world. The ministry needs your prayers and financial support. Please consider an offering for Mission Center Peru'.
Offerings can be sent to;
Reedsport Foursquare Church
2900 Frontage Rd
Reedsport, Or 97467
Checks may be made out to:
Reedsport Foursquare Church
On seperate note designate the offering for Mission Center Peru'.
Thanks for your prayers and support,
David Wood, friend of Mission Center Peru'.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Serving the Church & Serving the Poor

Greetings to everyone from Peru! Mission Center Peru had privilege to serve the church of I.E.P this Tuesday, they need people to help them to paint their church and they did not have many volunteers so they asked us and with joy the interns moved to paint the inside of the 79 year old church. The pastor was so grateful which cheered our hearts, knowing that service is one of the greatest fulfilments things to do in life which helps many people! I had a beautiful time together with the intern yesterday with the children of Nueva Esperanza though I did practice much patience, because these kids are always fighting, always. Our sound is still in the wait so we had to do something different with the children and not lose contact. We prepared together with them a small little thing I don’t know there names you can see in the pictures, they had the 10 commandments so that they can take home and set it on their rooms! We want to thank personally of you who have been praying for us constantly and all of you who are also part of Mission Center Peru with your prayers, and support without you we would not do all this, we appreciate it much and know that you are also in our prayers! God bless and have a nice day!
Benjamin Gomez, Mission Center Peru'
The home church for Mission Center Peru' is the International Evangelical Church of Peru', in Paramonga. For all the blessings Mission Center Peru' receives from the church, they volunteered to help with painting of the 79 year old building that houses the church. You can see that everyone involved in the project was so happy to be of service, and because of that the project was finished in short order
Part of leadership training is learning to serve.
The rest of the pictures are from the Metro Kids presentation at a place called "Nueva Esperanza", New Hope. What a fitting for a place to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Some things to consider;
Mission Center Peru' is experiencing a lot of difficulty with their sound system that is used for the Metro Kids' presentations. It is old and regularly in need of repair.
The children that are served by Mission Center Peru' live in extreme poverty.
Pastor Jorge, Missionary Benjamin, and Director Myrea are giving their lives to train up future leaders and serve the needs of the people they serve.
Your financial and Prayer support are critical to the success of the work of Mission Center Peru'.
Prayerfully consider a substantial financial gift for the work of Mission Center Peru'. All who are served by Mission Center Peru' will be eternally grateful.
Checks are to be made out to Reedsport Foursquare Church. On a separate note, designate your offering for Mission Center Peru'. Send your offerings to:
Reedsport Foursquare Church
2900 Frontage Rd.
Reedsport, OR. 97467
Many Blessings,
David J. Wood

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More from Peru'

Part of leadership training is actually going out and leading something. The interns of Mission Center Peru' go to several sights each week sharing the Godpel in stories and songs.Here are some more pictures from recent presentations by Mission Center Peru'. These enjoyable presentations from the interns of Mission Center Peru' provide more than a brief respite from the grinding poverty in which most of the children live, they provide the eternal hope that comes with a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The needs are great, won't you help Mission Center Peru' continue to provide the living hope of Jesus Christ??
Financial support can be sent to:
Reesport Foursquare Church
2900 Frontage Rd.
Reedspor , OR. 97467
attn: Mission Center Peru'
Make checks payable to Reedsport Foursquare Church. On a seperate piece of paper designate Mission Center Peru'.
For more information on what's happening in Peru', go to
In His Service
David Wood
Greetings to everyone from Lima, Peru!
Once again we report to everyone what Metro Kidz Peru is doing in Nueva Esperanza and Las Delicias.
In Nueva Esperanza, Sulay 9 is turning 10 this Monday on her birthday, we sing to her and give her a present then pray for her with all the kids, it feels good and special when someone remembers your birthday and our desire was to make her feel that way.
We had a total 31 with 21 kids and the rest parents and youth
Benjamin Gomez

We had lots of fun as well in Las Delicias with Metro Kidz this Friday teaching them on the 10 commandments which is our desire that they learn each one our total was 19, 16 kids and 3 adults. Saturday we also went and personally visit their houses from which 13 people prayed the sinner's prayer I will send a report on that.

We will always need prayer, material, support or any resources for this work and for the training of these interns that come for a year to be train in leadership and evangelism.

May the Lord bless you guys!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Passing out Gideon Bibles

This Friday 12, as well Mission Center had the privillage to help the Bible Gideons team to pass out more than 1,000 bibles to three schools in the district of Pativilca right next to Paramonga, even in the school where we recently presented Action House from which 25 youth from gave their lives to the Lord because our computer is not working at the moment I couldn't send pictures the camera we used for this was the president of the Gideon the date is not correct on the picture.

Thanks to all of you who help in the work of the Lord you are all part of His mighty move in this country, we appreciate and Would fervently ask for your prayers!
Benjamin Gomez
If you would like to help out Mission Center Peru' financially, please send all donations to;
Reedsport Foursquare Church
2900 Frontage RD.
Reedsport, Or. 97467
Attn: Mission Center Peru'
Help MCP reach more Peruvian children in their public schools of Peru'. God will bless Peru' for being open to the Gospel
David Wood